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Really good implementation. I believe you had to finish the core game mechanics in advance in order to fit in so many levels into your game. I would like to know how you planned your game jam so that I can plan mine better next time. Our team couldn't finish within the deadline,

As a small suggestion I wished the planets did not collide when placed in the world. It breaks the believability of their nature a bit for me. Other than that solid game!

hey, we had four members, we each picked out an area and worked on it for 2 days, remaining time was spent on integration. with how the game was setup, we were able to hack the levels quickly as separate scenes, hope this helps :).

Great concept, as a programmer i respect the line that you make which indicate the way the missile will go, it looks tedious to do.


Hey thanks, the logic itself was relatively ok, what was tricky was to optimize it so that multiple ships don't tank the frame-rate :p.

Great game, would be nicer to add level tracking at the top, game concept, music all drive you ET! Cool work!

I agree,In all the rush to ensure we got the game-play down, it totally missed our minds that we aren't showing the level tracking XD.

Awesome! I actually submitted a game with almost the exact same premise though I must say your version is far more intuitive and well made. Well done!

Hey thanks!, I did play your game as well, its pretty fun.